Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How to Use Social Widgets For Internet Marketing by Gen Wright

First, let's spend a little time discussing what exactly is a widget. A widget is a mini web application where webmasters can add to their websites. This is usually done by copying and pasting some simple HTML or Javascript code on to the existing web pages. The term social widget refers to widgets that are meant specifically for social websites. Social websites like MySpace.com or Facebook.com allow their members to customize their profile pages. That means the members can add any social widgets to their profile page.

There are many types of different social widgets. They range from puzzles, simple games, fancy clocks, to useful tools such as calendars, password generators and so on. So depending on how you want your social web pages to look, you are free to choose any social widget that is available for download. Usually, social widgets are freely available at no cost. And why is that? If you are an Internet marketer, perhaps you already know the reasons.

Social widgets are developed for others to use on their websites or web pages. As these web pages become more and more popular, especially on social websites where there is a general tendency for members to add new friends, the widget will spread virally. This allows the Internet marketer to get free exposure at no cost. It is not uncommon to see widgets that link back to the developer's website. A popular social widget can potentially be downloaded and used by millions on web users. So imagine the amount of free traffic that the developer will receive!

But that can only happen if a social widget is extremely popular, and online visitors are willing to spread the word. How can that be achieved? For a start, new widgets should be promoted as much as possible to gain traction. For example, a developer can list a new widget in widget directories. These directories function very much like a search engine, and allows users to search for the widgets that they want. The more places that the widget is listed in, the better the chance of someone downloading the widget, and actually installs and uses it.

In addition, the widget must also be setup to spread itself virally. Let's say you downloaded a quiz widget that allows you to quiz your friends. When your friends receive your quiz requests, they in turn must download the widget before they can see the quiz. If they like the widget, they will continue to spread the widget to their own network of friends. This is, in essence, how widgets can spread virally.

So if you are into Internet marketing, you probably realize by now how powerful social widgets can be. With millions and millions of members on social networking sites, the potential is huge. A wildly successful widget can easily bring in thousands of targeted visitors a day. How you monetize the traffic, is completely up to you. After all, the traffic will keep coming without you having to spend a single dime.

About the Author

To download free Social Widgets & Gadgets, please visit our Widgets site.

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