If you hold a view that in order to earn money online, you need to have a website or a blog, kindly drop that. I am earning through various other means also apart from monetizing my websites and blogs. I will share with you what I know.
In order to make a living off the internet without a website or a blog, you need to learn a few skills that are not at all difficult to learn. Though your technical expertise is a value added addition, you can still earn money doing odd clerical jobs.
What can you do to earn online?
* You can offer your services such as:
* Submit blogs and websites to web directories
* Comment on blogs
* Do social bookmarking
* Create blogs
* Install scripts
* Do data transfer to one blogging platform to another blogging platform
* Post in various forums and reply to topics of your interest
Where can you offer your services?
Internet is full of virtual market places where buyers and sellers of services meet and trade. Digital Point forum is the best online marketplace to offer your services and earn quick money. In the past, I have used the DP forum several times and earned good money.
How much can you earn?
I see no problem in earning a minimum of $20 per day with limited skills. If you possess technical skills like web designing, search engine optimization and link building, you can earn more.
What else do you need to know?
* Do your work very sincerely without compromising on the quality. Your rating will be looked upon before you are awarded any task.
* Don't over bid or underbid. Look for similar posts to know the existing rates charged by others.
* Meet your promised deadline always.
If you make a conscious effort, you will be able to quit your job in a few months and make a full time income from the Internet.
My blog Income Opportunities contains more than hundred ways to work from home and earn money online. Subscribe to my blog feed to stay updated. Please also visit my other blog (Get paid to write) to learn more about earning money by freelance writing.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Malathy_Badri
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