With the lure of working from home via the Internet to make money online, knowing where to start is often the biggest hurdle. There are legitimate ways to make money online, as long as one is willing to hunt them out and give the needed commitment to each. While rarely will any of these jobs provide someone with a get rich quick card, they can all offer an splendid way to make much needed extra cash to the average home Internet user.
Product Evaluations
Many companies have taken advantage of the Worldwide Web to reach out to the public for reviews and evaluations of their products. You register with a site, which in turn has contracted with numerous companies to obtain reviews and evaluations of their products. Once you have registered and filled out an application that is in effect a study of your household and habits, you may be selected to participate in a current evaluation.
Sometimes this involves filling out a review sheet that is both multiple choice and essay style questions. From the initial group, some participants are then chosen to do a more detailed review of a product and are sent the actual product. After using the product in question, you are again asked to do a comprehensive written review.
While none of these qualifies as get rich quick venues, if you enjoy trying new products, this is a good way to earn a few extra dollars while enjoying the chance to try new products.
To find companies that hire, search for companies online that offer product surveys to retail outlets. Examine their websites for links that provide detailed information on how to become a product tester and reviewer. Also, search for applications to join research boards, and to do surveys for money. Avoid the bulk of email spam that purports to be companies hiring product testers. The majority of these sites are only looking to waste your valuable time and get you to click on a link. Apply directly with companies and avoid anyone, or any company purporting itself to be an intermediary for larger companies looking to hire.
Web Content Writing
Every website needs someone to attribute content. Companies whose content is generated mostly in-house will hire freelance writers to fill everything from gaps to complete columns. The quickest way to find out if a site is hiring is to check out their sites info button or FAQ page. Some sites will even post that they are currently seeking freelance writers.
Be professional when imploring such sites, and follow guidelines as put forth. With many people looking for this type of work, companies can be picky when hiring. For this reason, make sure to apply only if you are willing to submit your best work you can attribute.
Managing a Micro Site
Many companies are turning their Websites in a different direction by dividing them up into micro sites. They offer to handle all the design and layout, along with the HTML coding, and provide the actual space, while you provide the content. Money is earned through ads placed on the site. Earnings are based on a click through ratio and are entirely dependant on the amount of visitors.
The plus side to joining a site such as this is that even though your individual site is small, the overall site is large and has a better chance to draw visitors than if you were to build a similar site on your own. Some companies even offer a base pay for the first few months until you can build up your site, but those companies are uncommon.
Be sure to read the fine print, and if you are doing a large dispensation of article writing with no upfront payment, be sure to retain your copyrights so that you can reuse the articles if the site does fold.
The Bottom Line
Making money online is possible, if you are willing to work. Get rich quick schemes may exist, but mostly in the minds of those looking to earn money off the average person, and not from any work, they themselves will perform. If you are serious about earning extra cash, be prepared to work for it and you may be surprised by how many good money opportunities truly exist.
Michael Warren is a successful internet marketer, and the owner of Newbie Web Marketing 101. He helps people promote their online business by offering his expertise in proven internet marketing strategies. Learn how to make a good living working from home, and become successful online with Newbie Web Marketing 101.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_R_Warren
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