If you want to make money on the Internet, you have two main choices. You can either do what others are doing and face huge competition, or you can think outside the box a little bit and follow some business models that aren't quite so mainstream.
Here are three ideas that are helping others make money on the Internet, that you might not have considered yet.
Selling or Flipping Websites and Businesses
Many people have watched the television shows and are interested in techniques to flip real estate, but are turned off by the cost involved in terms of investment and labor. Those restrictions are meaningless online.
Savvy online marketers have their own type of real estate, it's called "virtual real estate" or VRE for short. VRE is typically a web site that is set up with the goal to earn income. Those who build those sites often don't have the patience to build the business, or if they have already, don't have the skills to take the business to the next level.
These site owners are only too happy to cash out their VRE for hundreds or thousands of dollars, depending on the complexity and current income the site is already enjoying. Some site flippers do nothing but build sites with the intention to sell them on the open market, and are so productive that they can build and sell several sites a week.
Others like to buy these sites, improve them, get more traffic and income coming in, and then in turn sell the site for the enhanced value. With actual real estate (houses) there's a limit to the upside potential due to the neighborhood, but with VRE there is no upper limit. If a site is earning nothing now, it will typically sell for $50 to $150 depending on its content, and if someone can take that income to just $10 a day, they can be looking at a resale value of $3000 or more, a very nice return on investment, don't you think?
Membership Sites
It's relatively easy to build an ongoing income by setting up a membership site. What we're talking about is charging others either a one-time fee, or more commonly a monthly or annual fee, in order to have access to the contents of your site.
Just a few years ago, there was resistance to membership sites, because many were of the impression that the Internet should have free information, but that thought is now not so common. Those that take the time and trouble to provide content not easily found elsewhere should be, and are, rewarded for their efforts.
In actuality, this isn't any different from magazine subscriptions, is it? Only far more convenient, since you don't need to wait for the postal service to deliver the most up to date information.
Those who set up membership sites can often have hundreds or thousands of subscribers, each paying from $10 to $100 a month or more for the privilege. All the owner of the site needs to do is keep finding enough new information to make sure the members appreciate the value offered, and a long term recurring income is set up.
Mini Money Sites
Mini money sites are set up with special tools to build web sites that show product listings from sites like eBay and amazon.com. These sites can be done in just a few minutes in some cases, and the affiliate commissions from referrals to those sites can be amazing if done right.
While some site generation tools build spammy sites that no one in their right mind would like to reach in their daily surfing, these mini money sites are attractive pages of feature rich content that provide a real service to visitors.
The above methods are some lucrative ways to make money online from your computer. At my membership site, http://www.earn1kaday.com - I teach how to use these methods and many more, as well as how to combine business models for maximum profit.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dennis_Becker
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