Sunday, March 8, 2009

Online Business Success Expanded

Online business offers a unique opportunity to entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs and potential business owners can launch businesses over night, they can test their ideas in the marketplace at very little cost, and the speed of the feedback loop of the internet is unmatched.

This gives a new definition to the term, persistence. Because you can try, try and fail, yet at very low cost. Meaning the persistence online entrepreneur has an edge over the slow traditional ones.

When business moves at the speed of light, you just have to stumble onto success. You can not overly plan, because business success is a harmony of many parts. You can not control all these moving parts. But if you are constantly moving, you can catch the wave and ride that wave to business success.

Meaning you have to keep trying, and failing and learn along the way. The business idea that will give you your success is unknown to you know. You must actively discover it. Most business success actually stumbles onto their ideas. Such as 3M and the "Post-It" note.

The inventor of the Post-It note initially wanted to make a "super glue", but instead came up with an adhesive that is weak yet doesn't leave a residue. Instead of looking at this as a failure, he saw the opportunity for success.

You see success requires a little luck. And luck is labor under correct knowledge. Meaning you should always be working and trying out new ideas. You will eventually stumble into that nice niche and have that 'big' idea that will make you a very successful business person.

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